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Chakrasan for Anti ageing

Lie down on your back with feet apart,bend your knees and place your feet on the ground close to your body. Now bring your palms under your shoulders such that the fingers point towards the shoulders and the elbows are shoulder width apart. Inhale and press your palms firmly into the floor. Your feet should be pressed firmly into the floor. Inhale and lift your hips up. The spine should be rolled up so that it may seem to resemble a semi circular arch or wheel. Straighten out your arms and legs as much as possible so that the hips and chest may be pushed up. Hold this pose for at least 15-30 seconds. To go back to original,bend your elbows to lower your head and shoulders to the floor. Then bend your knees and bring your spine and hips back to the ground and relax.


This Asana is beneficial for all the nerves and glands of the body. It has a good influence on the secretion of the hormones. Also it removes all problems of the reproductive organs of women. This Asana is also beneficial for stomach ailments. It cures infertility,asthma and osteoporosis. It also relieves stress and reduces depression, and makes you feel energetic and full of life.

Please Note: Those who suffer from high blood pressure,heart trouble, abdominal or internal wounds,ailments of the intestines, skeletal problems,eye problems or hearing problems are prohibited from doing this Aasan. Till you are not in the habit of doing the backward bending Asanas with ease,you must not do this Aasan.

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